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Home » Video Brochures » Screens

The most crucial element?

Our range of Video Brochure screens come in various sizes, from compact displays for on-the-go impact to larger screens for a more immersive experience, allowing you to captivate audiences with engaging visual content tailored to different settings.

2.4 inch

  • Aspect Ratio: 4:3
  • Pixel Ratio: 320 x 240
  • Dimensions: 48 x 36mm
  • Video Format: Specially formatted AVI only
  • Best for: Business Card

4.5 inch IPS

5 inch IPS

7 inch IPS

10 inch IPS

  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Pixel Ratio: 1024 x 600
  • Size: 221 x 123mm
  • Video Formats: MP4, MPV, AVI
  • Best for: A4 (landscape)

Want to know more?

Want to know more about our screens, or anything else about Video Brochures in general? Let us know in the form below and we’ll be in touch as quickly as we can.

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